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chart your course to tomorrow: join the 2024 taiwan smart agriculture week & int’l aquaculture expo – dive into the s.m.a.r.t. new realm!
amidst the global wave of digital transformation in agriculture and fisheries, the 2024 taiwan smart agriculture week and int’l aquaculture & fisheries expo provide a prime opportunity for manufacturers to engage in international trade. this event serves as a premier platform to showcase innovative products and foster business connections, guided by our unique s.m.a.r.t. (sustainability, market, advance, resilience, and technology) strategy.
sustainability: join us in showcasing groundbreaking solutions that pave the way for industry-wide sustainable development. your participation is a catalyst for inspiring the entire supply chain to explore avenues for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. this positions your brand and products as trailblazers in driving a global transformation towards sustainability in the agri-fisheries sector.
market:seize the opportunity to showcase your advanced solutions directly to global buyers on this platform. the strategic marketing and business matchmaking services are designed to elevate you brand visibility and open doors to new international markets for your products and services. beyond a conventional exhibition, this platform represents a convergence of industry-leading, forward-looking technologies. we invite you to present innovative technologies that set trends and foster in-depth engagement with peers from around the world.
resilience: your participation will showcase your enterprise's capacity to address global challenges like climate change. showcasing the development of robust and adaptive production systems will position your enterprise as a beacon of leadership in the industry.
technology: showcase the latest technological applications, spanning from intelligent machinery to big data analytics. your cutting-edge technology is poised to inspire the audience and propel the entire agri-fisheries sector into a new digital era. your participation is not just a contribution; it adds splendor to the exhibition, your innovations are instrumental in leading industry development, and your stories serve as inspiration to all attendees.
both the 2024 taiwan smart agriculture week and int’l aquaculture & fisheries expo are excited to collaboratively shape the s.m.a.r.t. future of agri-fisheries with you.
for more information : https://taiwanagriweek.com/en
contact ms. rae chang [email protected]
amidst the global wave of digital transformation in agriculture and fisheries, the 2024 taiwan smart agriculture week and int’l aquaculture & fisheries expo provide a prime opportunity for manufacturers to engage in international trade. this event serves as a premier platform to showcase innovative products and foster business connections, guided by our unique s.m.a.r.t. (sustainability, market, advance, resilience, and technology) strategy.
經濟發展局與沙崙智慧綠能科學城於8月30日至9月2日攜同沙崙科學城進駐廠商:「元康綠能有限公司」、「擎壤科技股份有限公司」與「恰口科研企業股份有限公司」以「智慧綠能示範館」為名參與本次位於臺北南港展覽館1館的「2023臺灣智慧農業週」(taiwan smart agriweek),展覽圓滿順利結束,行銷成果豐碩。