
the 3rd animal precision nutrition international forum-牛彩官网

combining the two major animal husbandry associations in taiwan, we are jointly organizing the annual event of precision animal nutrition. this event encompasses the four hottest topics in animal nutrition, leading the industry with the latest trends.

on the same evening, there will be a gala dinner, so don't miss the chance to network and exchange ideas with industry and academic elites.

physical forum tickets are priced at 500 nt, online forum tickets at 500 nt, and gala dinner meal vouchers at 1000 nt.



  • date/ time: aug 30, 2023, 9:15-17:30
  • venue: conference room 401, 4f, tainex 1
  • endorsed by: ministry of agriculture
  • organized by: chinese society of animal science, world's poultry science association-taiwan branch
  • co-organized by: livestock research institute, moa
  • managed by: my exhibition co., ltd. 
  • supporting unit: dairy farmer association r.o.c. taiwan, dairy association of taiwan, roc ducks organization, goose association republic of china, taipei commercial association of feeds and animal health products, goat farmer association r.o.c, poultry association republic of china, deer products marketing cooperative association, taiwan feed industry association, taiwan regional association of veterinary medicine works, taiwan veterinary medical association, r.o.c. swine association, chinese culture university, national chung hsing university, tunghai university, national ilan university, national pingtung university of science and technology, national chaiyi university, national taiwan university
  • sponsor units: fwusow industry co., ltd., more standing enterprise co.,ltd, lactozyme biotechnology co., ltd., great wall enterprise co., ltd., illumina taiwan biotechnology co., ltd., kim forest enterprise co., ltd., e-rei int\\\'l co., ltd.


time topic speaker
08:45-09:15 registration  
09:15-09:20 opening remarks  
09:20-09:25 group photo  


the revising of the national feed standards in pig and chicken

taiwan livestock research institute, ministry of agriculture
chin-bin hsu
session 1:  climate change and adjustments in low-carbon livestock feeding strategies
09:55-10:15 smart farming & low carbon transformation fwusow industry co., ltd.
yau-kuen hung
10:15-10:35 net zero carbon emission strategy for livestock industry along with the methodology and marketplace of the carbon trade (or carbon offset)


national taiwan university
department of animal science and technology
professor  jung-jeng su

10:35-10:55 status of livestock industry ghg emissions inventory and statistics of trends for domestic chia nan university of pharmacy and science
department of environmental resources management
professor  da-ji huang
session 2:  feeding strategies of feed additives
10:55-11:25 the trend of use and development of tcm (transitional chinese medicine) in animal industry more standing enterprise co.,ltd
taiwan association of clinical chinese medicine
chao-chi su
11:25-11:45 cordyceps fermentative as feed additive and precisely application in domestic animals national ilan university
department of biotechnology and animal science
professor vincent cheng
11:45-12:05 application of phytogenic feed additives in animals national chung hsing university
department of animal science
professor  tzu-tai lee
12:05-12:20 moderated discussion  
12:20-13:40 lunch
session 3:  the application of gut microbiota in precision nutrition
13:40-14:20 probiotics prebiotics postbiotics will be the new living medicines in the next 50 years lactozyme biotechnology co., ltd.  professor 
chung-hsung shih
14:20-14:50 using microbial fermentation improve feed efficiency and "reduce carbon footprint"


national chiayi university 
department of animal science
professor  kuo-lung chen


14:50-15:10 coffee break
15:10-15:40 keynote
from evolutional viewpoint to address the functional roles of feed supplements
national chiayi university
professor robin chiou
session 4:  the importance of nutrients in the livestock industry
15:40-16:10 dachan's "holy chicken": the challenge and turning point of antibiotic-free animal husbandry great wall enterprise co., ltd.
chung-te lee
16:10-16:40 neutrigenomics: the application of gene and nutrition in the livestock industry


illumina taiwan biotechnology co., ltd.
click wang, phd


16:40-17:00 importance of food composition in feral water buffalo

national ilan university

department of biotechnology and animal science
yi-hung li 

17:00-17:15 moderated discussion  
17:15-17:25 end of symposium  



other news


mini-symposium on artificial intelligence and animal health

  • date 2023. 9. 1. (五)
  • time 08:40 - 17:00
  • location conference room 402a, 4f, tainex 1

modern farming methods are moving towards intelligent, enclosed, and automated monitoring systems for raising poultry and livestock. this transformation can increase productivity (both yield and quality), save labor, reduce disease transmission through containment, mitigate temperature stress and pathogen proliferation, and enable more comprehensive data collection on farming practices. additionally, artificial intelligence (ai) is widely applied to intelligent livestock farming, offering capabilities such as disease diagnosis, early warning, and even treatment. ai also aids in establishing standardized farming management models, helping farmers to manage breeding risks. this includes digitizing and intelligentizing livestock production and management, sampling, sensing, and monitoring environmental chemicals and pathogens, automatically sensing and monitoring physiological data in poultry and livestock for optimizing growth and reproductive efficiency, enhancing animal health and pathogen prevention strategies, applying artificial intelligence of things (aiot) devices in livestock farming, and utilizing big data for storage, analysis, and digitization.
