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landmeco a/s-牛彩官网

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landmeco is the largest supplier of poultry equipment in scandinavia. landmeco have designed and manufactured our products in more than 40 years. it is our history. from the very start, our ambition has been to create products that not only are good for the birds, but also are functional and reliable and provides our customers 'good value for money'. we do this by working closely together with our customers, by thinking smarter, and by always striving for a better solution. landmeco will only deliver good quality. therefore, virtually all of our products are developed and produced in denmark, with only a few exceptions. landmecos machinery is completely up-to-date with fully automated robotic cells, and we focus at all times on continuously improving our machinery to ensure a cost-effective production that can deliver the right combination of the right quality at the right price. we produce all the products for broiler, broiler breeder and layer. all for cage free production. in taiwan, landmeco have already supplied several farms for broiler “floor” production. we supply our uniq feed pan kickoff 330°. a uniq design that secure a better start for the birds, proven result given a better growth, lower fcr, higher survival rate and at the same type a products that’s easier to clean, and therefor, higher hygiene and reduced need of manpower. besides that we have also supplied our comboplus aviary system for cage free layer farm in taiwan. and aviary system which is recognized as the most open and user-friendly system on the market, securing better result in terms of; fewer floor eggs, fewer cracked and dirty eggs and less pilling and smoothening among the birds