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agriblutec ltd.-牛彩官网

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agriblutec ltd. is composed of international talents with backgrounds in ai, electronic communications, and agriculture and fisheries. the company proposes the simugro smart agriculture and fisheries common framework, which rapidly integrates various hardware devices in a standardized manner while customizing data collection, analysis, and hardware control for individual agricultural and fisheries fields based on specific needs. simugro utilizes a decentralized aiot network that includes wireless modular monitoring and control functions, with customized scheduling and data collection analysis, providing leading indicators for various monitoring data. with the integration of artificial intelligence, simugro can replace plc without relying on cloud control, thereby reducing risks and providing a more efficient and automated overall solution for various indoor and outdoor agricultural and fisheries fields, such as greenhouses, aquaculture farms, hydroponics, and aquaponics systems, and more.