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mosseae agrotech ltd.-牛彩官网

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company profile

mosseae agrotech specifically mass produce high quality mycorrhiza spores as biofertilizer. mosseae agrotech has developed it's own proliferation technique of spores with high activity. we provide mycorrhiza products to fertilizer companies, seedling farms and farmers.
mosseae mycorrhiza is a government certified fertilizer with the certification as 肥製生字第0880023號. mosseae mycorrhiza could be applied to most economic crops, fruit, horticultures. mycorrhiza symbiosis with plant for helping to resist the climate change, raising the chlorophyll concentration, reducing the damages from pests and diseases, improving the crops and earnings.
if you have the interests of oem, distribution, or the samples, please feel free to contact mr. chao, 0919945683.