perendale publishers ltd-牛彩官网

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perendale publishers limited is the proud publisher of milling and grain magazine first published in 1891. perendale also publishes its sister magazine international aquafeed (iaf) and an annual milling directory called the international milling directory (imd). the company also publishes all extruded (ae), a digital magazine for the the production of petfoods and snack foods. all four publications focus on manufacturing, nutrition, grains and raw material handling storage, processing and transportation plus equipment and processing technology in addition to fish farming technology and news as it relates to these sectors. perendale publishers ltd each publication has a daily blog together with a weekly e-newsletters that gathers together a range of news from around the world related to these magazines’ niche markets. you can find us through our app (one for each magazine), our websites and third party news and magazine services, and via several social media platforms. complimenting the three publications is our events register. the events register lists all the key events - exhibitions, conferences and training opportunities - taking place in the world of milling and fish farming globally. while based in the uk, perendale has offices around the world and publishes its mag and iaf magazines in five and four different languages respectively. in addition to a growing print distribution for all three titles, perendale is considered an advanced digital publishing house using a myriad of electronic distribution systems that ensures the right people find the content they are looking for. however, maintaining traditional print publication standards and circulation, reaching readers through subscriptions, controlled circulation and distribution at a range of industry events including exhibitions, conferences and meetings is of paramount importance to a magazines that dates back to 1891. our content online is free, however to receive a regular copy of the printed magazine or our directory by post, readers must subscribe.

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