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silicon is the second most abundant element on the earth and is the most important element in today's civilization. without silicon, semiconductors, or 5g technology will no longer develop. on the agricultural view, silicon is the fourth largest elemental fertilizer for plants after nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. through innovative technology, the pure silicon by-products in the solar silicon wafer production process are made into high-quality agricultural silicon products. the silicon element eventually return to nature to achieve an environmentally friendly green circular economy.
"矽美壯", is made through innovative patented technology. it can restore soil fertility and enhancing crops' resistance to environmental adversity. it is also the first liquid silicon product to obtain certification for organic agriculture in taiwan. “矽美壯” can effectively suppress plant diseases, reduce the use of pesticides, and improve the quality of agricultural products. the use of organic and friendly agricultural materials can also contribute to the environmental health.
made with patented technology, 100% of silicon is plant-absorbable. it can effectively regulate the absorption of macro- and trace-element fertilizers and improve crop nutritional disorders caused by improper fertilization.
• silicon is absorbed by plants and accumulates outside the cell wall to form a silicon protective layer, which can improve the ability to resist lodging and increase the crop's ability to resist disease and insect invasion. the accumulation of silicon can also help plants survive environmental adversities such as high temperature and drought.