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agricultural and fisheries fresh logistics management system-牛彩官网

collaborating with a japanese logistics company, we are committed to promoting the sustainable supply of locally produced agricultural products. we have developed an exclusive web-based system for the concept of “vegibus”, which integrates local supply, delivery status, consumer orders, and billing information into a single platform. this system facilitates the complex logistics process of collecting products from multiple farms, consolidating shipments, and distributing them along the routes to customers' homes. the operation of vegibus has successfully established local agricultural logistics networks in prefectures such as shizuoka, ibaraki, chiba, and osaka in japan. this enables consumers to enjoy low carbon footprint and high freshness fruits and vegetables, while fostering friendly and sustainable relationships within the local food and agriculture community.
農産品流通日本企業「やさいバス(vegibus)」と連携し、地産地消の持続可能な供給を推進しています。やさいバスシステムでは、生産地の供給、配送状況、注文と支払い情報を一元化し、複雑な物流プロセスにおいて、複数の農家からの商品受け取り、集荷、沿線での配送を効率的に実現しました。 現在では、日本の静岡県、茨城県、千葉県、大阪府などで地域の農産物流通ネットワークを構築し、消費者が高鮮度な野菜や果物を楽しむことができるだけでなく、地域食品生産に対する友好的で持続可能な関係を築いています。
