we conducted promotional events for taiwanese agricultural and fishery products at a café in a commercial district within tokyo. the main participants were local consumers, with the event lasting approximately 3 hours and hosting 25-30 attendees. representatives from kohaku co., ltd. were present to deliver product presentations, organize tasting sessions, and conduct surveys on purchasing interest and feedback towards the end of the event. the taiwan night event in japan received positive responses and has established long-term collaborations with regular partners.
for inquiries about our event services, including brand design, please contact kohaku co., ltd. ⭐️
for inquiries about our event services, including brand design, please contact kohaku co., ltd. ⭐️
- 廠商名稱kohaku co., ltd.
於東京都市內商業區咖啡廳進行台灣農漁物產拓銷。活動對象參加主要為當地一般⺠眾 (c 端),活動時間長約3小時,參與人數為 25 - 30 人,由琥白代表在現場進行產品簡報介紹、安排試吃活動,並於活動尾聲進行採購意願調查及問題回饋。台灣之夜在日本獲得迴響,有固定配合夥伴長期合作。