animal feed additives

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animal feed additives-牛彩官网

gmllyso can be antibacterial and antiviral to improve livestock immunity.
indication -
• promoting gut health
• diarrhea prevention
• boosting growth performance
• lowering mortality rates
• improving feed efficiency
• accelerating reproductive tract repair
• enhancing egg production rates
• extending peak egg production period
• an alternative to antibiotics
composition - lysozyme, monolaurin
dosage -
recommended dosage (grams/ton of feed):
piglets: 300 - 1500g
growing and fattening pigs: 200 - 1500g
sows, boars: 300 - 2500g
poultry: 100 - 500g
aquaculture: 500 - 2000g
other info -
classification: supplement
pack: 500g / sechets x 30 / carton