biomin® series | minerals, plant nutrition, fertilizer | patented mineral chelation technology-牛彩官网
the unique chelation process we developed for our biomin line helps increase your yields by improving nutrient absorption, preventing nutrient precipitation, deterring nutrient leaching, and more.
biomins are plant nutrients resulting from the complexing of mineral nutrients with amino acids.
our unique complexing process developed for our biomin line helps increase yields by improving nutrient absorption, preventing nutrient precipitation, deterring nutrient leaching, and more. they then increase plant nutrition by making nutrients and minerals more available for plant uptake.
free of harsh chemicals, biomin utilizes this complexing process to provide plants with stable nutrients that correct mineral deficiencies quicker than conventional inorganic nutrients. approved for organic production, biomin provides increased yields and greater nutrient absorption without compromising environmental quality and safety.
✔ completely bioavailable micro-nutrients to maximize yield & quality
✔ homogeneous ripening with increased flavor and quality of fruit
✔ increased absorption and easier translocation
✔ better fruit-setting and less fruit dropping
✔ non-phytotoxic to plants
✔ approved for organic use
✔ high purity
key features
• fast correction of mineral nutrient deficiencies
• significantly increase yield
• earlier maturity of plants with better production
• increases resistance to severe temperatures
biomins are plant nutrients resulting from the complexing of mineral nutrients with amino acids.
our unique complexing process developed for our biomin line helps increase yields by improving nutrient absorption, preventing nutrient precipitation, deterring nutrient leaching, and more. they then increase plant nutrition by making nutrients and minerals more available for plant uptake.
free of harsh chemicals, biomin utilizes this complexing process to provide plants with stable nutrients that correct mineral deficiencies quicker than conventional inorganic nutrients. approved for organic production, biomin provides increased yields and greater nutrient absorption without compromising environmental quality and safety.
✔ completely bioavailable micro-nutrients to maximize yield & quality
✔ homogeneous ripening with increased flavor and quality of fruit
✔ increased absorption and easier translocation
✔ better fruit-setting and less fruit dropping
✔ non-phytotoxic to plants
✔ approved for organic use
✔ high purity
key features
• fast correction of mineral nutrient deficiencies
• significantly increase yield
• earlier maturity of plants with better production
• increases resistance to severe temperatures
general recommendations
biomin series can be applied to strawberry, lettuce, tomato, celery, grapes, stone fruits, tree fruits, vegetables, commercial turf, and ornamental gardens
product profile
form: liquid
function: complexed minerals for increased nutrition
compatibility: compatible with all products
shelf life: cool, shaded areas, up to 3 years
biomin series can be applied to strawberry, lettuce, tomato, celery, grapes, stone fruits, tree fruits, vegetables, commercial turf, and ornamental gardens
product profile
form: liquid
function: complexed minerals for increased nutrition
compatibility: compatible with all products
shelf life: cool, shaded areas, up to 3 years