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egg cockle-牛彩官网
the cockles is collected from the southern sea of sacheon. it's shells and internal organs of the mussels are removed, washed and processed and it is sold after vacuum packaging to domestic sales and export to overseas.
the cockle is named after the beak of early birds, and is known as the representative health food of the winter season.
frozen boiled egg cockles remove the shells and intestines of the cockles, clean, process, boil and optimize time and temperature.
products that are packed in a frozen state.
*specification: 6-12, 6-9, 7-9, 8-9, 9-9, 9-6, 10-9
the cockle is named after the beak of early birds, and is known as the representative health food of the winter season.
frozen boiled egg cockles remove the shells and intestines of the cockles, clean, process, boil and optimize time and temperature.
products that are packed in a frozen state.
*specification: 6-12, 6-9, 7-9, 8-9, 9-9, 9-6, 10-9
- 廠商名稱woojin moolsan co., ltd.