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it is an excellent oyster produced in the sea in front of tongyeong, a clean sea area certified by the us fda.
the oysters that have passed the safety inspection are washed, shaved and packed.
and they produced in woojin moulsan co., lid. are exported to over 90% to japan and other countries.
* fresh oyster meatsremove the selected oyster shells, clean them thoroughly products packed with trimmed oysters.
※ product specification: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg frozen oyster meats_removed the shells of selected oysters, washed thoroughly and quickly frozen.
※ specification: 2s, s1, s, m, l, 2l frozen boiled oyster meats _.. removed the shells of the selected oysters, washed thoroughly, boiled, frozen and packaged.
※product specification: 1kg, 10kg
the oysters that have passed the safety inspection are washed, shaved and packed.
and they produced in woojin moulsan co., lid. are exported to over 90% to japan and other countries.
* fresh oyster meatsremove the selected oyster shells, clean them thoroughly products packed with trimmed oysters.
※ product specification: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg frozen oyster meats_removed the shells of selected oysters, washed thoroughly and quickly frozen.
※ specification: 2s, s1, s, m, l, 2l frozen boiled oyster meats _.. removed the shells of the selected oysters, washed thoroughly, boiled, frozen and packaged.
※product specification: 1kg, 10kg
- 廠商名稱woojin moolsan co., ltd.