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the ni-2 lamp with regulator is specially designed to be mounted with the rotecna adapter both in weaning nests and in farrowing nests. the incorporation of a thermostat with a temperature sensor allows us to define a personalized target temperature for each lamp, which is a great advantage for the well-being of piglets and sows, as well as significant energy savings. the power of the lamp is adjusted according to the temperature in a configurable way, depending on whether it is desired, whether it is below or above. the use of infrared bulbs in the hours immediately after farrowing reduces the time required for the piglets to find the nest and start using it, significantly reducing mortality from hypothermia and crushing.
• optimum temperature for each group of pigs.
• significant energy savings.
• avoid thermal stress for piglets and sows.
• extends the life of the bulb.
• individual control.
• no additional cables.
• adjustable thermostat with data display: current temperature; target temperature; current consumption.
• temperature sensor
• compatible with 110/230v, 50/60hz and with bulbs up to 175w.
• with 2.5m of cable.
the ni-2 lamp with regulator is specially designed to be mounted with the rotecna adapter both in weaning nests and in farrowing nests. the incorporation of a thermostat with a temperature sensor allows us to define a personalized target temperature for each lamp, which is a great advantage for the well-being of piglets and sows, as well as significant energy savings. the power of the lamp is adjusted according to the temperature in a configurable way, depending on whether it is desired, whether it is below or above. the use of infrared bulbs in the hours immediately after farrowing reduces the time required for the piglets to find the nest and start using it, significantly reducing mortality from hypothermia and crushing.
• optimum temperature for each group of pigs.
• significant energy savings.
• avoid thermal stress for piglets and sows.
• extends the life of the bulb.
• individual control.
• no additional cables.
• adjustable thermostat with data display: current temperature; target temperature; current consumption.
• temperature sensor
• compatible with 110/230v, 50/60hz and with bulbs up to 175w.
• with 2.5m of cable.
- 廠商名稱rotecna sa