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grow feeder anti-牛彩官网
the anti-stress grow feeder is an ad-libitum hopper with front access for dispensing manipulable material. access to manipulable materials reduces animal stress, minimizing fighting and such habits as tail biting. in turn, foods rich in fiber have a satiating effect that reduces stress in animals fed on a restricted basis and improves the intestinal tract.
• grow feeder maxi anti-stress
• anti-stress feeder hung
• compact and resistant
• easy to install even in existing systems
• the grill enables the animals to reach the manipulable material by pulling it
• made in one piece
the anti-stress grow feeder is an ad-libitum hopper with front access for dispensing manipulable material. access to manipulable materials reduces animal stress, minimizing fighting and such habits as tail biting. in turn, foods rich in fiber have a satiating effect that reduces stress in animals fed on a restricted basis and improves the intestinal tract.
• grow feeder maxi anti-stress
• anti-stress feeder hung
• compact and resistant
• easy to install even in existing systems
• the grill enables the animals to reach the manipulable material by pulling it
• made in one piece
- 廠商名稱rotecna sa