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automatic feeder rotecmix midi-牛彩官网
the new family of rotecmix automatic feeders offers farmers a tool to facilitate the implementation of good feeding practices in an easy, constant, hygienic, and effective way.
with rotecmix, the daily weight gain and vitality of piglets increase, and the size homogeneity of the animals in the litter improves.
• automatic food preparation.
• easily accessible dish with a sensor designed to minimize waste.
• adjustable solid / liquid ratio.
• mobile and easy to transport.
• designed to enable cleaning and disinfection.
• rotecmix midi for up to 45 piglets or a total weight of 35 kilos.
the new family of rotecmix automatic feeders offers farmers a tool to facilitate the implementation of good feeding practices in an easy, constant, hygienic, and effective way.
with rotecmix, the daily weight gain and vitality of piglets increase, and the size homogeneity of the animals in the litter improves.
• automatic food preparation.
• easily accessible dish with a sensor designed to minimize waste.
• adjustable solid / liquid ratio.
• mobile and easy to transport.
• designed to enable cleaning and disinfection.
• rotecmix midi for up to 45 piglets or a total weight of 35 kilos.
- 廠商名稱rotecna sa