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本系統內置一組聲納可探測吃料魚群密度, 依照覓食狀況精準自動增料、減料或停止餵料,避免投料量不足,魚群成長速度不如預期或投料量過多造成水質污染
- 廠商名稱宏業達興業有限公司
- 產品規格.the system is equipped with a set of sonar that can detect the density of the feeding fish schools. it accurately and automatically adjusts the feeding rate, reduces or stops feeding based on the feeding conditions, to avoid insufficient feeding, slower growth of fish than expected, or excessive feeding causing water pollution. .sonar detection is not affected by natural factors such as hydrology, climate, algae color, or lighting, ensuring accurate detection results. .it has multiple operating modes, including feeding and luring at different time intervals.