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本智慧型自動養殖系統主要是結合環境感測sensor, 聲納,遠端遙控開關, wifi, 資料庫等元素, 提供以下功能
1. 可將日常常規養殖動作形成數種自動化模式
2. 參考環境水質條件為輔助,再配合自動化模式啟動相對映的養殖動作
3. 監看系統運作並提供即時運作狀態, 數據及預警
4. 提供多人協同養殖的溝通記錄工具
4. 記錄養殖參數
1. 可將日常常規養殖動作形成數種自動化模式
2. 參考環境水質條件為輔助,再配合自動化模式啟動相對映的養殖動作
3. 監看系統運作並提供即時運作狀態, 數據及預警
4. 提供多人協同養殖的溝通記錄工具
4. 記錄養殖參數
- 廠商名稱宏業達興業有限公司
- 產品規格the e-cc-a intelligent aquaculture control system is a smart automated farming system that integrates elements such as environmental sensors, sonar, remote control switches, wi-fi, and a database. it provides the following functionalities: it can transform daily routine farming actions into various automated modes. it utilizes environmental water quality conditions as a reference to complement the automated modes and initiate corresponding farming actions. it monitors system operations and provides real-time operational status, data, and alerts. it offers a communication log tool for collaborative farming among multiple individuals. it records farming parameters. please note that the translation provided is a direct translation and may need further refinement based on the specific context and usage.