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dominant blue d 187-牛彩官网
dominant blue d 187 is one of our most popular programs, owing to its originality of blue feathers and the application of color sexing in one-day-old chickens. it is used commercially as final hybrid or parent breeding pairs for self-sufficient farms in the czech republic and other european countries and overseas. capons are also used to produce traditional, highly delicious poultry meat. the asset is the high productivity, namely laying from over 290 up to 300 eggs, verified at a testing station. light brown eggshell color is characteristic. the laying hen has grey-blue coloring, complemented by red marking on the neck and chest. the cockerel has barred marking.
this program is the result of cross breeding the original dominant homozygous blbi genotype of the plymouth light blue rock /blpr paternal population and the red barred maternal population /brir. color sexing is applied when hatching one-day-old chickens using the "b" allele of the barred gene, where one-day-old cockerel acquires the dominant allele of this gene from the mother and is barred with a white dot on its head and one-day-old hen acquires the recessive "b" allele from the father, which does not cause barred marking, and consequently the hen is dark without white marking on her head.
this program is the result of cross breeding the original dominant homozygous blbi genotype of the plymouth light blue rock /blpr paternal population and the red barred maternal population /brir. color sexing is applied when hatching one-day-old chickens using the "b" allele of the barred gene, where one-day-old cockerel acquires the dominant allele of this gene from the mother and is barred with a white dot on its head and one-day-old hen acquires the recessive "b" allele from the father, which does not cause barred marking, and consequently the hen is dark without white marking on her head.
- 廠商名稱dominant genetika s.r.o