bluecontrol production controller-牛彩官网

luecontrol is a series of controllers for production control in broiler, breeder, and layer productions.

the controllers are designed based on a modular principle, meaning one can easily adapt them to the individual producer's needs.

the controller is a combination of relevant production software and hardware that match the need of the poultry producer. they have exceptional user-friendliness and intuitive operation in common.

you operate the controller using a large touch screen with graphic icons. the icons ensure recognition and make the controller easy to work with in daily routines.

the menus are straightforward and logically structured. they allow for individual setup of outline menus at different user levels.

it is easy to change the language in the controller display. you can choose between more than 40 different languages.

bluecontrol is a climate and production controller.

a solid basis for decision-making - bluecontrol breaks down the complexity and provides an overview
timely and relevant information - bluecontrol is precisely adapted to your production
dedicated software packaged for broiler, layer, and breeder that fits the specific needs
ensuring the right amount of feed and water to utilize their growth potential completely
always in control - continuous calculation of fcr and epef
ensuring good and uniform conditions for all the animals in the livestock house
and much, much, more…
  • 廠商名稱skov a/s

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