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dol 119 co2 sensor-牛彩官网
dol 119 measures the co2 level in the livestock house to ensure that the animals enjoy optimum climate conditions. this application is most relevant in the production of poultry.
co2 is an important measurement to optimize the relation between ventilation and heating level and ensure excellent air quality in the livestock house.
the sensor can also be used to monitor any fault conditions in livestock houses with direct combustion.
a filter in the sturdy housing protects the sensor. the sensor is supplied with a connector and cable solution that makes it simple to disconnect and remove the sensor, e.g., before cleaning and disinfection of livestock houses.
indicator for air quality in the livestock house
cost-saving – optimum ventilation- and heating level
collect data for legislation purposes
co2 is an important measurement to optimize the relation between ventilation and heating level and ensure excellent air quality in the livestock house.
the sensor can also be used to monitor any fault conditions in livestock houses with direct combustion.
a filter in the sturdy housing protects the sensor. the sensor is supplied with a connector and cable solution that makes it simple to disconnect and remove the sensor, e.g., before cleaning and disinfection of livestock houses.
indicator for air quality in the livestock house
cost-saving – optimum ventilation- and heating level
collect data for legislation purposes
- 廠商名稱skov a/s