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model: bdi 2001b weighing indicator & controller (0.8 " led display)
■ 1/30,000 displayed resolution, a/d conversion 30 times/sec.
■ power for eight 350ω load cells.
■ 1 code: final/sp1/sp2/ff/hi/lo or ll/lo/ok/hi/hh.
■ automatic free fall compensation.
■ 8 input / output (open collector).
■ standard: 20ma current loop and op-02a1 rs-232.
■ options: op-01 control i/o op-02 rs-422/485
op-03 printer interface op-04 bcd
op-05 analog 4-20ma op-06 analog 0-10v.
op-07 remote set point unit:final weight.
op-08 relay control interface.(added on op-01)
model: bdi 2001b weighing indicator & controller (0.8 " led display)
■ 1/30,000 displayed resolution, a/d conversion 30 times/sec.
■ power for eight 350ω load cells.
■ 1 code: final/sp1/sp2/ff/hi/lo or ll/lo/ok/hi/hh.
■ automatic free fall compensation.
■ 8 input / output (open collector).
■ standard: 20ma current loop and op-02a1 rs-232.
■ options: op-01 control i/o op-02 rs-422/485
op-03 printer interface op-04 bcd
op-05 analog 4-20ma op-06 analog 0-10v.
op-07 remote set point unit:final weight.
op-08 relay control interface.(added on op-01)
- 廠商名稱芃昕衡器科技有限公司