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產季 / 春、冬
產地 / 臺灣臺中和平,南投仁愛一帶
海拔 / 1700至2100公尺
香氣 / 清花香中帶發酵果香
滋味 / 茶湯細緻滑順呈金黃色帶甜果香,喉韻口感強而醇
工藝 / 輕氧化,無烘焙
plantation / heping (taichung), ren’ai (nantou)
elevation / 1700 - 2100m
season / spring, winter
aroma / faint floral scent with a fermented fruity fragrance
taste / the golden brown tea liquid is fine and smooth with sweet fruity aroma, and strong and mellow aftertaste and mouthfeel
cultivar / chin shin oolong
shape / bolled
light oxidation, no roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
originates from the alpine tea region in central taiwan where taichung city’s heping district and nantou county’s ren’ai township meet. due to the vast temperature difference between day and night, the areas are foggy throughout the year and have short sunshine duration on average. the landform consists mostly of shale and conglomerate soil, giving the tea a unique stony aroma. the clear lishan oolong tea has an elegant fruity aroma and contains a distinctive mineral flavor. the refined chill aroma, outstanding sweetness and smoothness give one a refreshing and long-lasting aftertaste.