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field weather station and agricultural climate forecasting services-牛彩官网
visual charts. monthly statistical reports provide insights into cumulative rainfall, sunshine duration, and daily temperature variations. by incorporating climate forecasts and alert functions, users can respond swiftly to environmental hazards and efficiently plan their farming operations.
- 廠商名稱蜂巢數據科技股份有限公司
air temperature: -40°c to 65°c
air humidity: 1% to 100% rh
rainfall: 0 to 2438 mm/hr (provides both instantaneous and cumulative rainfall measurements)
wind speed: 0 to 89 m/s
wind direction: 0° to 360°
solar radiation: 0 to 1800 w/m²
connected to the agriweather software platform, it offers real-time data display, historical data downloads, and monthly environmental data reports. users can also set custom alert thresholds within the system and link their line account. the system checks environmental data every hour and sends notifications when the set conditions are met.
in addition to real-time environmental data, agriweather partners with the largest climate services company in taiwan to offer localized climate forecasting services. users can join a dedicated line group to select forecast items and receive daily weather forecasts for their specified location for the upcoming week.