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產季 / 春、冬
產地 / 梨山山群至華崗、天池一帶
海拔 / 2200至2450公尺
香氣 / 兼具高雅清秀花香及淡雅甜果香
滋味 / 綿密溫潤,鮮爽甘醇,秀雅甜果韻
plantation / taiwan lishan to huagang
elevation / 2000 – 2450m
season / spring, winter
aroma / graceful floral and faint fruity aroma
taste / dense, mild, fresh and mellow with light graceful fruity aroma cultivar / chin shin oolong
shape / bolled
light-mid oxidation, light roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
the region extending from taiwan’s lishan to huagang enjoys favorable climate and topographical advantages. the green cold mountains nurture tea boasting unique alpine floral aroma. using the century-old traditional technique involving manual picking of fresh leaves and roasting over slow fire, the tea releases a floral aroma and sweet and strong taste, making it a collection item for tea masters.