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濃縮萃取 -牛彩官网
☆天然生物鈣,鈣磷比 1.3 : 1
★ extracted insect concentrate protein: easy to digest, quickly absorbed, protein supplement powder
☆ natural bio-calcium, calcium-phosphorus ratio 1.3:1
★ aids in bone growth and promotes muscle development
- 廠商名稱蟲小道大股份有限公司
☆天然生物鈣,鈣磷比 1.3: 1
【哺乳類 / 鳥類】鵪鶉 / 鸚鵡 / 賽鴿 / 蟋蟀 / 寵物雞 / 麝香豬 / 蜜袋鼯 / 刺蝟 / 狐蒙 / 柯爾鴨 / 寵物鴨
【兩棲 / 水族】 睫角守宮 / 豹紋守宮 / 肥尾守宮 / 斑龜 / 孔雀魚 / 小型觀賞魚 / 水晶蝦 / 紅腿象龜 / 蘇卡達陸龜 / 豹龜 / 赫曼陸龜 / 角蛙
【哺乳類 / 鳥類】 混摻原飼料中,作為蛋白補充品,1平匙約1g,每餐約1-2平匙
【爬蟲】 使用方式如鈣粉,添加/沾於誘餌、凝膠或飼料中
【陸龜】 每天建議0.5匙,混摻/灑在飼料或葉菜中
【水族】 小型魚蝦,建議每次約0.5匙
★ extracted insect concentrate protein: easy to digest, quickly absorbed, protein supplement powder
☆ natural bio-calcium, calcium-phosphorus ratio 1.3:1
★ aids in bone growth and promotes muscle development
[suitable for]
[mammals / birds] quails / parrots / racing pigeons / crickets / pet chickens / mini pigs / sugar gliders / hedgehogs / meerkats / call ducks / pet ducks
[amphibians / aquatics] crested geckos / leopard geckos / fat-tailed geckos / spotted turtles / guppies / small ornamental fish / crystal shrimp / red-footed tortoises / sulcata tortoises / leopard tortoises / hermann's tortoises / horned frogs.
[usage instructions]
[mammals / birds] mix with regular feed as a protein supplement. one level spoonful is approximately 1g; use 1-2 spoonfuls per meal.
[reptiles] use calcium powder; add or coat onto bait, gel, or feed.
[tortoises] recommended daily dosage is 0.5 spoonfuls; mix or sprinkle onto feed or leafy greens.
[aquatics] for small fish and shrimp, use approximately 0.5 spoonfuls per feeding.