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phageprompt salmoguard-牛彩官网
broad spectrum efficacy: salmoguard effectively targets and eliminates over 80 major serovars of salmonella in the gut of live birds. this includes notable strains such as s. enteritidis, s. typhimurium, s. gallinarum, s. pullorum, s. hadar, s. infantis, and s. virchow. by addressing a wide range of serovars, salmoguard provides comprehensive protection against salmonella infections, thereby promoting healthier poultry.
action against antibiotic-resistant strains: in addition to its broad-spectrum efficacy, salmoguard is effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of salmonella. this capability is crucial in environments where conventional antibiotic treatments may be ineffective, ensuring effective control of salmonella outbreaks without contributing to antibiotic resistance.
preservation of beneficial gut microbiota: unlike some antimicrobial treatments that can disrupt the balance of gut flora, salmoguard is designed to maintain beneficial bacteria in the gut of birds. this helps support overall digestive health and immune function in poultry, contributing to improved well-being and performance.
versatile application: salmoguard can be conveniently administered through drinking water or feed, making it flexible for integration into existing farm management practices. this ease of use ensures practicality and efficiency in delivering the product to poultry populations.