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strategy solution applied microbe-牛彩官网
1. 廢棄物處理qpcr探針開發
2. 應用微生物精準篩選
3. 益生菌菌株資產管理
4. 病原菌毒性快篩設計
5. 微生物族群深度探勘
6. 客製化專案項目
geneku™ harnesses the power of third generation sequencing (tgs) technology and long read metagenomic analysis to help farmers achieve sustainable food production through efficient waste recycling, soil and water protection, and disease management for crops and animals. applications include
1. qpcr probe design for waste treatment
2. targeted screening of applied microbe
3. probiotic asset management
4. pathogen virulence assay development
5. in-depth analysis of microbial population
6. customized project
- 廠商名稱益農有限公司
1. 廢棄物處理qpcr探針開發
2. 應用微生物精準篩選
3. 益生菌菌株資產管理
4. 病原菌毒性快篩設計
5. 微生物族群深度探勘
6. 客製化專案項目
geneku™ harnesses the power of third generation sequencing (tgs) technology and long read metagenomic analysis to help farmers achieve sustainable food production through efficient waste recycling, soil and water protection, and disease management for crops and animals. applications include
1. qpcr probe design for waste treatment
2. targeted screening of applied microbe
3. probiotic asset management
4. pathogen virulence assay development
5. in-depth analysis of microbial population
6. customized project