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稉稻品種强生米3號為目前已知台灣國內升糖指數最低的蓬萊米,其白米食用後澱粉轉化成葡萄糖量較低,其升糖值約55,已達低升糖指數之標準,其主要機制是白米含高含量(> 4 %)的抗性澱粉(resistant starch, rs),顯著較市售米,如台稉9號、台南11號及台農67號等之抗性澱粉(0.6~0.8%) 高約6至7倍,為强生米3號煮成白米飯,食用後澱粉轉化成葡萄糖量較低之理論依據,為具商業化潛力之低升糖米品種。
强生米3號為目前國內已知抗性澱粉(resistant starch, rs)含量最高,升糖指數最低的蓬萊米品種。其他聲稱低糖米的品種皆為秈稻(在來米)品種,二者口感差異大。可以提供減重族群及關注血糖代謝者之安全米食。
chansen rice 3 is a japonica rice variety bred from the rice tainong 67 mutation library by the genetics and genome research laboratory of the department of agronomy of national chung hsing university. it has high resistant starch (rs > 3%) characteristics and low glycemic content. the resistant starch content of the index rice (4.29%) is significantly higher than that of tainong no. 67 (0.61%), which is about 6 to 7 times higher, showing theoretical evidence that the amount of starch converted into glucose after cooking in chansen rice 3 is lower. .
the japonica rice variety chansen rice 3 is the penglai rice with the lowest glycemic index currently known in taiwan. its polished rice has a low amount of starch converted into glucose after consumption. its glycemic value is about 55, which has reached the standard of low glycemic index. its main the mechanism is that white rice contains a high content (>4%) of resistant starch (rs), which is significantly higher than that of commercially available rice, such as taijing 9, tainan 11, and tainong 67 (0.6~ 0.8%), which is about 6 to 7 times higher. this is the theoretical basis for the lower amount of starch converted into glucose when cooked into white rice. it is a low-glycemic rice variety with commercial potential.
chansen rice 3 is the penglai rice variety with the highest known resistant starch (rs) content and the lowest glycemic index in taiwan. other varieties claiming to be low-sugar rice are all indica rice varieties, and the taste of the two is quite different. it can provide safe rice food for weight loss groups and those who are concerned about blood sugar metabolism.