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[ forever rich ] natural fertilizer -牛彩官网
natural - [fruit]
- heavier fruit weight
- sweeter flesh
- higher fruit set rate
- accelerated maturation
[ npk ]
nitrogen 1.8%, phosphorus 0.5%, potassium 0.5%
formula includes the element: eucalyptus extracts, arnica montana extracts, vitamin a palmitate
[ main ingredient ]
eucalyptus extracts
natural insecticide that effectively enhances the plant's resistance to diseases and pests.
arnica montana extracts
enhances cell renewal and repair. activates decomposition enzymes for soothing effects through chlorogenic and caffeic acid.
vitamin a palmitate
excellent cell-revitalizing agent for cellular rejuvenation. tightening cell gaps improves fruit quality and prevents hollow fruits.
[ usage instructions ]
soil irrigation: dilute at a ratio of 1:800 ;
foliar spray: dilute at a ratio of 1:800.
[dosage] apply 1 liter per hectare.
[application cycle ] apply every 2 weeks