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[ forever rich ] natural fertilizer -牛彩官网
natural - [flower]
- high flower germination rate
- abundant flower bud quantity
- successful propagation
- prolonged flowering period
[ npk ]
nitrogen 1.6%, phosphorus: 0.6%, potassium 0.5%
formula includes the element: red clover extracts, cactus extracts, aloe extracts
[ main ingredient ]
red clover extracts
activates plant hormones, promotes bud differentiation, speeds up flowering
cactus extracts
activates antioxidants, reduces harm caused by extreme environmental changes.
aloe extracts
promotes cell regeneration, boost rapid tissue repair, enhances nutrient utilization capacity.
[ usage instructions ]
soil irrigation: dilute at a ratio of 1:800 ;
foliar spray: dilute at a ratio of 1:800.
[dosage] apply 1 liter per hectare.
[application cycle ] apply every 2 weeks