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[ forever rich ] natural fertilizer -牛彩官网
natural - [leaf]
- strengthen roots, stems, and veins
- enhance chlorophyll production and promote photosynthesis
- increase leaf size and thickness
- revitalize damaged leaves
[ npk ]
nitrogen 1.6%, phosphorus 0.6%, potassium 0.5%
formula includes the element: cactus extracts, vitamin a palmitate
[ main ingredient ]
cactus extracts
high in cell activation and antioxidants, protects plants from environmental damage and enhances chlorophyll formation, boosting photosynthesis.
vitamin a palmitate
excellent cell-revitalizing agent for cellular rejuvenation. addressing issues such as yellowing, wilting, and growth stagnation.
[ usage instructions ]
soil irrigation: dilute at a ratio of 1:800 ;
foliar spray: dilute at a ratio of 1:800.
[dosage] apply 1 liter per hectare.
[application cycle ] apply every 2 weeks