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ecolink made containing bacillus subtilis, lactic acid bacteria and water purification etc. complex strains and various functional enzyme formulations made in accordance with proper proportion. can reduce ammonia (ammonia) and hydrogen sulfide (h2s) content, and make shrimp farming to maintain good water ecosystem.
- 廠商名稱地球村生態有限公司
ecolink made containing bacillus subtilis, lactic acid bacteria and water purification etc. complex strains and various functional enzyme formulations made in accordance with proper proportion. can reduce ammonia (ammonia) and hydrogen sulfide (h2s) content, and make shrimp farming to maintain good water ecosystem.
ecolink for bacterial diseases have a good preventive and control effect, especially caused by vibrio "shrimp early death syndrome" (ems) (also known as "acute liver and pancreas necrosis syndrome" (ahpns)).
ecolink does not contain chemical composition, replace antibiotics, prevent and reduce bacteria and parasites transmitted disease occurrence and damage, increase yield and quality of aquaculture, both humans and the environment with security.