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磷保75 (fosphite®)-牛彩官网
.boost plant’s natural immune response against pathogens
.provides slow release phosphorus and potassium
.help increase yield
.improve quality and uniformity
epa approved reduced risk pesticide registration no. 68573-2.
recommended use
✓foliar spray: 2-3 quarts per 100 gallons of water/ acre.
✓soil drench: 3-4 quarts per 100 gallons of water/ acre.
✓prevention: apply lower rate at 6-8 weeks intervals. don’t exceed 6 applications in one year. alternate with biological products.
✓disease control: apply higher rate at 2-3 weeks intervals until control level reached. consult with your farm advisor for disease severity.
磷保75可用於抵禦糧食作物、草坪和觀賞植物上的根腐病pythium、疫病phytophthora及露菌病downy mildew,作為有效的系統性殺菌劑,磷保75同時也被epa 許可為“低風險農藥”,保護應用廣泛,針葉樹疫病和草皮根腐病均適用。