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天下無蟲窄域油(99%)petroleum oil 99% ec-牛彩官网
the product is formulated by bva inc. which is made of 99% mineral oil and 1% emulsifier. these two raw materials maximize the efficiency of controlling pests and minimize the probability of chemical injury.
bva spray 13e 是 epa 註冊農藥(55206-5),由 99% 礦物油和 1% 乳化劑製成。
features of product 產品特點
highly refined: mineral oil is a mixture of different kinds of hydrocarbons,it have to be refined for agricultural use. the refined process is conducted for removing unsaturated hydrocarbons, naphthenic carbons and aromatic hydrocarbons, and "sulfonate" is produced in the process. the content of unsulfonated substance of mineral oil is called "unsulfonated residue value", and the value of this product is above 98%.
narrow range: the carbon number of mineral oil is range from 18 to 40, it was called "wide range oil". for the reason of efficiency and safety of agricultural mineral oil, the carbon number is range from 21 to 24 suggestively. 90% carbon number of this product is 21 to 24, average is 23, so it was called "narrow range oil".
quick-breaking emulsion: the exclusive "quick-breaking emulsion" is the most critical technology of agricultural mineral oil. when bva spray 13e was diluted by water, numerous emulsified micelles is formed immediately, then micelles hit the surface of plant and broke rapidly. this technology makes mineral oil cover the surface of pests or plants more effectively.